Importance of PNG format in product photography

Importance of PNG format in product photography

Product images determine the online credibility of a business. They speak more about the quality of the product an enterprise is offering to clients. As an e-commerce site owner, you’re expected to shot a lot of product pictures you can use to convey the value of your product to customers.

Most time, you can be confused about the right image format to use for your product picture uploading. Should I make my product pictures in PNG or JPG format? You asked? Well, you can read the guide here to understand what both image format means to the digital world.

However, if you’ve already made up your mind to use PNG format in your product photography, then it pays you to learn more about the importance of PNG format in product photography.

First of all, know that PNG files work exceedingly great when it comes to the need to use an image with transparent background.

Some other great value PNG file formats can offer to your product photography include :

1. Simplicity and Minimalism

PNG file formats help you put your product in focus. It lets you avoid putting several visual elements in a single picture. Apart from the transparency background, it allows people to use, it also ensures people can place solid, gray, and light-colored background to the product image. This lets you easily grab shoppers’ attention and influence them to take your desired action.

2. Ability to Work well on conversion

You should always know that there is a distinct difference between the size of an image and a file. When we refer to image size, we’re simply talking about the dimensions of the image. Specifically, we’re referring to the length and breadth of an image. Meanwhile, the file size is much about the weight of a picture in terms of bytes. An image can be in 5 by 7 inches and still be less than 1 megabyte. Likewise, an image can be in 5 by 7 inches dimension and be more than 10MB. When a PNG image has a good dimension but a heavy file size, you can easily reduce its size without sacrificing the quality of the image. This factor offers great value for your product photograph. You may shoot your product with a high-def camera and not be able to have a lesser file size. When you transform your image to PNG, you won’t have a reason to worry about quality.

3. Enhancement of your site SEO

In most cases, many businesses get caught up in overthinking their site SEO. They struggle to figure out what exactly can make their site rank appropriately on search engines. Many felt the entire activity is all about writing quality text and bombarding their web page with hot SEO keywords. While SEO-optimized web content can get a site ranked, it’s important to also note that the search bots consider a site that loads faster for ranking.

How fast your website loads matters to the search engine crawlers. Many website developers don’t work on this aspect of website development. They hardly optimize their site for search bots to consider.

And yet, fast loading website continues to be an important factor for search engine ranking.

Only the PNG file format can work wonders in this area.

Be it on your product pages, category pages, homepage, or even blog page, you need PNG file formats to get your site lighter and load faster.

That’s the fact behind image optimization, website speed enhancement, and conversion rate boosting.

So, what are other reasons why you should consider PNG files for your site SEO boosting?

As you have seen so far, images can have a huge impact on your site loading time. Likewise, it can determine who views or ignore your website.

You need to consider PNG files because :

1. First impressions count.

Images are the first thing anyone spots on your site. What they make out of them determines their exit or stay. Likewise, when they don’t load faster, they turn web visitors off. This can influence them to check another site for the content or product of their choice.

So, if you desire a fast-loading site with plenty of nice images, consider the PNG file format.

2. Mobile is the king

As people surf the internet more on their phones, a fast-loading and responsive website becomes more important. Many web developers are aware that people use more images to judge the suitability of a website than text. So, having more appealing product images on your e-commerce implies getting something great people can click on. Since PNG files make eCommerce images appear great, it’s good to consider the image file format for your e-commerce site.

3. Blurry images can affect your website negatively.

Using poorly compressed images for your website content can pose a major threat to the shopping experience of your website visitors. It can affect the priority search engine and web visitors gives your site. Likewise, it can increase your site bounce rate.

So,t if you desire to enhance your site conversion rate as well as customer loyalty and engagement, think of using PNG formatted imagery for your eCommerce sites. Such a decision would actually help your website scale on the web.

But where should you start?

You can get started by simply hiring freelancers who can create good illustrations for your website content in PNG format. Perhaps, you’re looking to convert your existing JPG files to PNG files, know that there are series of file conversion services you can use for this task. Check the site that offers such services here.

Final words

PNG image formats are used greatly on the web today. Such usage is owed to the fact that they make a site lightweight and boost its loading performance. It’s better to use such a file format for your eCommerce site for SEO purposes. By doing so, you will be able to own a site that appears sleek and elegant.